Celebrate Christmas and New Year and change yourself for the better!
…that they can do whatever bad things they want and since they go to church and pray, that Jesus will keep “saving” them from hell over and over and over… but it’s a mistake to believe that, is pure laziness because we must take into consideration that we have Free Will and are RESPONSIBLE for everything we experience, in the scope of our eternal lives.
Yes, me too, I am experiencing a terrible ordeal because of something I did now or something I did in the long scope of eternal life. I am grateful that I have in this lifetime consistently and persistently endeavor to correct my past mistakes and have learned a great deal.
Not all bad things that happen to you are the result of bad behavior, my activism against the present departing Biden Administration brought me total ruin, but it was a good thing I did, and I don’t regret it, and the result is that we get to keep America! (if we keep pushing)
So, you must consider:
What is Hell- This one we make, and God has nothing to do with it so Jesus cannot keep saving you. “The concept of Saving” This biblical teaching applies to a certain period in which God-Jesus came to energetically elevate the race, there was a soul evolution…back then, and if you look at the astronomical changes in the skies at the time, you will find that this also applied to Planet Earth and the Sun.
What is Reality- This one is God= an Energetic Intelligence, a living Essence, a Fire, a Soul Being that can be anything, and he made Jesus and Jesus accomplished the Godhood and became God in Flesh or 3D dense matter.
Acts 17:28 “For in him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said “for we are also his offspring”
… And about Jesus we read… in Colossians 2:9 “For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” = He is God on Earth.
As a child I used to love Jesus, like an action hero, all the other kids had Superman etc.… I had Jesus, and I was keenly aware of the other children’s ignorance of the tremendous power of Jesus. They would get mad at me for disintegrating their Supermans with Jesus All Encompassing Power. 🤣🤣🤣
I want you to know that I wasn’t taught about Jesus, I wasn’t taught anything as a matter of fact. Jesus appeared to me and my sister at different times. Hers was a more holy and deep experience where Jesus took her by the hand and showed her the Universe, the Earth, Heaven and Hell and other mysteries, she was 3. She died as a child, and Jesus and the angels came to take her, and I saw that.
My Jesus experience was more like, “don’t go around using your powers to abuse others” like kicking ass, that is an innate ability of mine. People speculated as to how an orphan like me would learn “Martial Arts” who taught me, and I must be lying about being a poor orphan. Well, I tell you this so that you know that I am not brainwashed since that is the principal assumption of pragmatist Atheists.
Jesus can do anything in this Dimension yes, true. BUT he can’t change your Karma or Cause and Effect of your actions, because if he did the Universe would fall out of balance, so once was enough, and certain souls who have experienced a spiritual awakening, like the man who wrote the song “Amazing Grace” well… that is predestination at work.
So, you see the heavens is our real world, and before we are shipped to Earth, we agree as to how we are going to accomplish our task. Having a Spiritual Awakening is very difficult by the way, I had one ala St. Francis of Assisi, and it was then the Satanic Pedophilic Cabal moved in to finish me off but not totally and obviously I passed the test although I lost and arm and a leg.
I have had three of these. Two in the form of NDE and the last one, the “Baptism by Fire” and I never give details because that way I can distinguish the liars who repeat everything I say to their followers in social media and manipulate their vulnerabilities. I have never met another person to go through one of these because they would simply burn. I had etherealized my molecules enough that I didn’t caught fire.
Free Will and Karma (cause and effect) and Predestination all play a part in our Earthly experience in order that we may develop our soul and learn more and accomplish our destinies.
If you are one of those corrupt souls that is a box of sin and goes to church, NO. period. Sorry…to bust your bubble…
…but that is not how it works. I have written about this before, about how Jesus actually saves, but I will do so again in this new Substack because my old one got hacked by our lovely present and very corrupt Government, the one that is about to be history. (My phone is also hacked, and I am in the process of getting fixed, so if you call me don’t say anything you don’t want the whole world to hear)
…lol, some people just can’t believe it, but read what I write, and you will understand, the Deep State wants you ignorant, sick fat and nearly dead so they can keep carrying on with the rape and cannibalization of children (souls)
Before the Gays Trans Pedophiles were chanting “we’re coming for your children” I told all of you that the bottom line of the Globalist Agenda’s intent was simply to get full control of the children of the world. Now you all can see that they are becoming more and more shameless since they felt they were winning.
This is a new Substack but it is me, the same old lady with the red and platinum hair who is reviled online somewhere hidden from my view and the view of any who could do something about it. Me, Hazel Daniel Craemer (the German spelling, not Jewish)
I will continue telling you about the defamation because it is just me, one against thousands. I’m simply trying to clear my good name. They make it look to those who participate as if it’s a completely legal webpage, and one that I authorized, but no, I haven’t actually seen it, but I got a trail of angry truckers and “Jons” and malicious impish weirdos trying to make me feel, in the words of Kanye West…” like nobody loves me” … don’t worry… I laugh and I don’t see them, nor hear them. I’m Autistic and in my head 24/7 lol!
I know it psychically, remotely, because when I sleep I “see”. This is how I know everything pertinent to my human experience.
So, now I am writing here and today Sunday the 15 of December 2024 I will clarify for you all, what Jesus did and why we celebrate Christmas, not on the right date mind you, but that is history and beside the point, the important part is that we celebrate and this year Christmas 2024 we have a lot to give thanks for, like the ancients Hebrews out of Egypt, we have been delivered from a train of misfortune and the erasure of our American way of life. Halleluiah! that with the election of Trump/Vance, we were saved!
…from? for the clueless, The Globalist Pedophilic Cabal, who attempted to change our Constitution to accommodate its perverted culture and tendencies.
Ok, let’s talk Christmas, and it is very simple, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the God man is what we celebrate. With this event came to fulfillment the prediction or prophecy by the Magi that he would come to save the world. (much more that I can’t write about it here)
So naturally the Magi, men who by practice and dedication had etherealized their beings and had what it seems to most “supernatural powers”. They knew when and where and were present at his birth.
Jesus was born and went through a rigorous training to accomplish the manifestation of the God Energy on earth, and I, who pursues the development of such energy can tell you in my feeble attempt, that is the hardest thing anyone can do in this world, so knowing that Jesus is real and that he is very much alive and that he resides in the 4th dimension and up, having seen the man with my own eyes and having felt his presence, I am eternally astonished as to how he accomplished such a thing if he wasn’t God himself! to put it shortly he is lovely to behold!
I was criticized by the fake Christians, the politically correct hypocrites when I described Jesus as a beautiful blond Caucasian, like a Russian blond supermodel but more perfect and very virile, very masculine, not like a pansy effeminate.
Not even close to looking like the people we call Jewish now days. I want vindication since recently an ancient letter by Pontius Pilates to his superior was found and describes Jesus exactly the same way as I saw him. In heaven which I have seen, my level, there is no ugliness, and everyone is beautiful.
When my sister saw him, she didn’t see a man, she saw a light being, but I saw him in 3D and Mary, and they were both blond with hints of red hair in their locks. I was like 3-5 years old and had no clue as to who they were. Mary is breathtaking!
At this point I believe without reserve that in fact he was God made flesh, because that is the most logical explanation to what I saw and experienced.
So, being God Jesus attached himself to all of our energy and pulled us up! we evolved and with that soul evolution our brains and bodies also evolved at that precise moment when he died and resurrected and ascended to heaven.
Also, the Bible tells us of the death of those who were already demonized, many of the Raelians (those who Jesus called imposters and the children of Satan their father) who had already stolen the ID of the Priests also committed suicide. they simply couldn’t process the new energy that enveloped us and died, instantly. The change drove them mad and the most famous ones are written about and committed suicide in shocking ways.
But it is a choice, by your behavior on earth, the constant vigil in your mind, to keep your mind and heart pure and full of joy and good will, you ask Jesus to manifest the Holy Spirit in you! as he did with the Apostles! That is how it is done.
Many get discouraged because they try and get shut down immediately, made fun of etc. Being good is not the same as being stupid! weak! no, being good is being good. I feel no hate in my heart, not even for those who hurt the animals and children, HOWEVER I would still kick their ass, put them in jail and sentence them to death.
If you start don’t tell anyone, it’s between you and Jesus, it’s between you and God. But if you feel so inclined like Russell Brand in his channel to tell everyone what he is feeling and experiencing, then by all means do so, but remember that you are not a movie star isolated and insulated by money.
You are out here with the hordes of humanity and your experience is not the same.
I also don’t fall for traps like an idiot, those who want to manipulate my persona find no reaction at all, I ignore them or if they think they can touch me, physically “momma said to knock you down”! I apply Mike Tyson’s philosophy! 🤣💚🐾🐾
President Trump was very good in his first term, decent and civil, now the world will see the true mercurial nature of the Sign of Gemini. “Wise as a Serpent and harmless as a Dove”. I usually say harmless as an Eagle! Lol! He was nice because he could be not because he was weak. Beware of the new Trump people of the world, thank the stupid Cabal that you have supported for awakening the Giant!
So don’t expect instant results when you decide to turn your life around, and don’t forget that you still have to pay for the bad you did. NO ONE GETS AWAY WITH ANYTHING! I have said this many times in my blogs, that the Universe has a Law in effect, a law that must remain perfectly balanced. You can’t take without giving. Anyhow, the important part is to start.
At the end Jesus will come a second time, and he will once again give us another download and upgrade us for the last time so that we may experience “1000 years of heaven on earth” and the human experiment will come to an end at that time, about the time Elon Musk is taking the “Raelians” to Mars.
But people like to sin, and as Mary Baker Eddy, the creator of the Christian Science Church said, “we love to sin, but we don’t like to hurt, hence pain is the cure for sin”
One cannot continue to repeat whatever it is that is causing your pain and expect to be able to apply Jesus's methods for ascension and soul evolution, Jesus's methods as indicated in the life he lived recorded in the Bible and Apocrypha by the Saints. You don’t fool anyone by pretending and certainly you don’t fool God. Look at this preacher, what do you see? I saw “it” immediately, the demon in his eyes.
These sorts of people gather about themselves only those who need to keep pretending, because they can’t face the truth, which is that they are rotten to the core and need true repentance and freedom from the slavery of senses because believe you me, once Satan has you, you will need the help of heaven to release you!
People think you have to act like a nun or something, no, simply stop your lusting, drugging, hating, gossiping, gluttony, etc. do it quietly, don’t advertise, that way you don’t have advertise your failures leading to depression and quitting.
Don’t be a hypocrite and pray in silence because prayer is how the Angels and Spiritual help comes through, and they are very effective. The more you do it, the more you feel them when they help. For me if not instant help it is pretty quick help.
Get it through your thick head! the Spiritual realm is the real world, and 3D or earthly experience is a mental projection as a training camp. A doorway into heaven and hell, depending on your actions.
Why? because we want to! WE beg to test our metal! WE want to get closer to God in heaven and there are levels, the same as here.
How do you get to be a professor at Harvard? you had to prove yourself eminent in any subject, the same with our souls in heaven, well at least in the past century (now days they gave the Gay President Cabal puppet Obama, a Nobel Prize for Peace! when he started 3 wars 🙄)
In these times, The Churches are full of these. Enter the Hypocrites, and while we have always had them, now days are in large numbers, and they pretend in large numbers in a most curious way. I will tell you about something I witnessed many years ago:
As a young woman I went looking for God. I was an epileptic, and was a student at the University of Washington, but couldn’t continue, my sickness was too much for a single person, a poor student, without a support system.
I studied every religion I could find, because my own Orthodox Catholism didn’t, I thought at the time, explain the Human Condition, so I went to all, Buddhism, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, Mormonism, 7th Day Adventist… Christian Science, which I respect very much, and so on… only to return to my Alma Matter, the Catholic Church once I received the answers… I can testify that if you ask Jesus, HE ANSWERS!
So, in my sojourn across philosophies I went to the Mormon Church, and I returned to it at the end of 2014 in a small town in the Olympic Peninsula, I did so because I thought there was no Catholic Church nearby and I wanted to worship.
There I noticed that it was not the same Mormon Church I remembered. The DEI, WOKE virus had infested them and on the first time I went I witness in the congregation a loud crowd distracted, talking, looking at the phones, aware of me and tagging me to wherever it was, then after the Sermon, I witnessed a young man, sad, beaten and I could feel his heartache, his misery, and next to him a Raelean young woman, “his wife” rubbing his back comforting him but he was repulsed and moved slightly in the opposite direction.
The Raelians have infiltrated all the Churches of the world religions.
I knew with my psychic mind, immediately what that was, the woman had cheated on him and he was going to talk about it with the men there.
In my group as the women gather in another room, to study the scriptures, the “Raelean woman” was already reading from the scriptures, about the adulterer who was forgiven and saved by Jesus from a stoning, but this was not her first time, nor the second…
… she confessed to the rest of mostly ignorant dumb group of women, composed of other members who repeatedly sinned and asked for forgiveness afterwards, thus normalizing the behavior within the congregation and passively and vicariously making you participate in their group sin.
It grossed me out but being my first time there, I went to the young Raelian descent individual and thanked her for reading.
She got up and mumbled something… and lowered her gaze turned her head to the side as if she couldn’t face me and stumbled away knocking a few chairs on the way to the astonishment of the women who were present.
The succubus inside of her could not withstand my energy, which is the opposite of hers, a prostitute succubus. I could “see” her, and she ran off. I had enough of the Mormon Church since then and I never went back, as I received a dream that night.
God showed me a church made of straw, rotting, like old bales of straw abandoned in a field, crooked to one side ready to fall, standing in a desolate field. I understood perfectly what to do.
They all knew about the defamation consuming my good name and not a single one told me. They knew where it was online or the phone and didn’t help.
The defamation apparently moves around and appears and disappears, and it is hidden you have to be in the “club of haters or sinners or whatever” to know about it. Those chosen by the Deep State according to your stupidity, corruption or low IQ. Think about it, how much money would it take to defame someone for over 15 years? Only the Government has that kind of money, equipment and men power.
The obvious lesson here is that you can’t repeat sin and think Jesus will save you. That was a onetime deal, and he left the METHOD, by which you can “work out your own salvation.
BUT ☝🏻… if you succeed by your dedication to apply the principles of purity, then he will show up when you call!
The ten commandments, which is a moral code of positive behavior to engender positive energy and bodily health. Easier said than done.
The Breath which is the way by which we oxygenize the brain and imbibe the essence of life energy God which is everywhere and store it in our cells. There’s is Doctor and I have often given you his link Dr. Joe Dispenza who will teach you how to breath creatively to change your molecular weight and mental record.
Prayer which is the exercise itself, words have energetic power and prayers help you concentrate, when you may ask for the Holy Spirit to descend upon you and you will experience what we, those with Spiritual Career call “an awakening” which is basically a rise in consciousness.
This is a very serious and permanent state, there is an improvement in your physical body as well so that you can receive more of the higher frequencies of heaven resulting in better communication with the heavenly spheres and eventually gain full Illumination, BUT… after you have experienced a period of complete and utter chaos, because you have to be undone before you can be remake.
For those of us with hardcore awakening experiences, ala St. Francis of Assisi, is very hard and you could go crazy or die, and in my case, I was like an idiot, people thought I was an alcoholic or high, because I had glossy eyes and stumbled out of balance, couldn’t speak and well I was very sick, like St. Francis, and it would have been easier with a support system, but I was alone, the same as I am now.
There are many ways, and so a Master here on earth, told me that “Everyone has their own door” I always like to repeat this so that people know that as long as they are making an effort they will advance, alas! that not everyone will make it is another thing. Make it to where? to the heavenly realm of course, we are souls (fact) to the chagrin of pragmatic materialist hedonism.
So, there you have it, that is the practice to “forgiveness and saving” by Jesus, and the achievement of a better holier life.
Some smarty pants say to me:
“But you are in hell, suffering, broke, homeless”
No my dear, I am not in hell, I am happy as a clam in the sea, singing to myself, praying and in prayer I go to heaven, I get to caress Michael the Archangel hair made of gold, and gaze upon his perfect beauty, I get to go to many of the Temples in heaven which are made of a stone I have never seen on earth and they aren’t churches, they are places where God is always present so that you can go visit with him. I get to study; I get to travel the Universe and see other forms of life.
I am without a home, not “homeless”, I am able to eat and feast with my cat in tow and nothing terrible has happened to me since 2010, when my ex-husband, a plant of the Deep State helped them drug me and rape me.
But I always tell people in my defense, that it was not easy… and yes, it was Karma, because everything is Karma and if it was not my Karma to go through that then God will give me justice.
I was never “overcomed”… because my ex a US Marine, warned them.
“NO! She will kill you!” … “No way” said the demons… Yes, she will, look I warned you, do it your way and she will kill you”, so he drugged my cough syrup, I was sick on top of that, and I was unconscious during the rape. I know all this because the idiot wrote it down, and because later I “saw it” in remote viewing.
So, I get to experience a life in between heaven and hell, we all do, and according to our actions we are closer to one door or the other, and I am closer to heaven.
I am not “suffering” I am enduring a temporal condition created by the enemy of mankind, Satan and its Raelians like that awful young woman trying to normalize nymphomania in England, Phillips something.
England because of the nature of the children so blond and pure, is Satan’s favorite dining place and so is Russia. They present her as an “Wealthy Brit” but she is not British, she is a Raelian. Not the same as Jesus was, he was a Galilean.
The original and true Brits are people like Tommy Robinson. Who is presently and unjustly jailed.
The Church doesn’t speak of this, because the Church is run by them and our “Pope” is one of them.
There are so many things our Priests in the Catholic Church cannot speak of, because they must obey, that is their law and cannon, forgetting that Jesus himself disobeyed and protested.
WHY WE CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS! My favorite holyday!
It is obvious to me, that we celebrate the birth of Jesus the same as the Maji of old, the entrance into the world of the man who would give us the precepts to elevate and evolve our souls to the Throne of God, our real home.
We are here learning and boy! am I grateful! I have learned so much! I have been healed many times in a miraculous way, first as a baby, then as a five-year-old, then as a ten-year-old of Polio, and later as an adult healed of Epilepsy.
I mean I was already paralyzed as a child with Polio, and my sister and I devised the innocent method that if she dragged me around by the arms that I eventually would begin to walk again, and we expected my legs to just start kicking like the circle of speed we would see the road runner make in the cartoons!🤣🤣🤣
… well, it didn’t happen exactly like that, but one morning I don’t recall how long after the onset, I woke up and I got up and walked. Note: Very important to note that not even for a second did I ever contemplate in my mind that I would never walk again. I was 100% convinced that I would. I grew up with straight long legs and studied ballet.
So many miracles in my life, I can’t recall all of them and you will have to buy my book😁 which once I find a place to live won’t be long to write. No matter how the Deep State has interfered in my production of such a book, I will without fail write it and publish it.
Just as I told you above, because of the attack by the Deep State, and the ruining of my life, I have experienced pain and suffering I guess, superficially at least. Some suffer deeply when they don’t eat for example, I can go seemingly forever without food, alas that I do have plenty, TG🙏🏻.
My abdominal fat is “Corticoid fat” Stress being a big factor in my life in the last 15 years, and I am 65. I pray for all the obese people who lack the will power to do what I have done, which is to exercise and dissolve depression. I pray they find the way as indicated in this blog.
The idea that suffering is good is because people want to believe that God is punishing them, that pain is good, and God given and that is simply not true. You do the sinning, because the acts of sin go against our nature as Divine Beings it results in pain which is a hell of your own making.
Proof is that people that don’t believe in God or anything, go about sinning and some of them have a great time, like the Hollywood pervs for example. Totally unconscious until they die, then they are born again and will have to deal with the alterations to the harmony in the energies of the Universal Balance, and mostly because they probably went to Purgatory or to Hell according to their actions in the previous incarnations and they don’t want to go back! it burns! and more.
I actually know people who remember hell… and they have the mark between their eyes!
So exciting to be able to give thanks for progress! for the fact that we won the election and Donald J Trump, along with as tough as nails JD Vance will be entering the White House grounds on January 20th! and our Nation, this beautiful America remains!
So grateful that the next morning, ALL THE JANUARY 6TH POLITICAL PRISORNERS WILL BE RELEASED! … TO BE RECEIVED WITH LAURELS AND GIFTS BY CHEERING CROWDS OF PEOPLE! AND WILL BE SEEN IN HISTORY AS HEROES FOR EVER! I would love to be the sculptor to design their monument represented by Ashli Babbitt.
… I’m sorry… off subject but I am sooooooooo impressed with Americans! and American grit! in comparison to poor Tommy Robinson, single handedly fighting for England.
So grateful to see the DEI Transgender Pedophilic Agencies and the Department of Education gone for good! So grateful that all the illegal nasty members of gangs will be deported.
So grateful for Robert J Kennedy Jr. and his tremendous knowledge and toughness against the Pharma Pedophilic Agencies.
So grateful for the help President Trump will give me.
So grateful for the improvement on Animal Welfare especially the way cows and pigs and chickens are raised and treated and slaughtered for our food, Robert Kennedy Jr. will see to this, I am sure.
… and a special prayer for the Farmers who grow our food, that their loans may be TOTALLY FORGIVEN, because the Biden Administration and they are committing suicide, so that they can retire in peace after having fed us, and I don’t know if you know about this, but being a farmer is some serious and grueling work, from sunrise to sunset every single day without fail! If anyone deserves LOAN FORGIVENES, DEBT FORGIVENESS IS THEM.
So grateful for the dissolution of all the so-called Intelligence Agencies, if it happens, President Trump would have slayed half the troops of the enemy. So grateful for the exposure and dissolution of all the Targeting Programs applied to thousands of citizens of this Nation and some Immigrants without their consent or knowledge… and well people the list of being grateful is huge! I trust Kash Patel will find them within the NSA and CIA.
And with this I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading, 💚🐾🐾