Joe Rogan, you know nothing! You are the POS!
There's so much to learn about the lives of the Great Forefathers, most don't know the details, most don't know that both, President Washington and Lincoln had psychic abilities.
Merry Christmas and this is what Santa brought me last night, an apocalyptic vision! Next blog.
BUT… first let me set the record straight on Washington and Lincoln.
Since the 90’s I began to notice that the Internet was Jewdifying History. If a historical personality was great, they would say they were Jews, like Nefertiti, they changed the Internet content and made her a Barbara Streisand Look alike but Black. Then they made the Vikings Jewish and even made a successful Viking show where all the actors were of Jewish descent. Then they made Abraham Lincoln gay, and then Alexander the Great also gay, and most likely they made the Spartans Gay as well… unfortunately they did this while we were being bombarded with new tech, and no one noticed and now the searches on the internet are AI moderated, and they show you what they want.
As a child I read more than most people because all I had for fun were books. So, I read. I noticed and also the sneaky introduction of Satanic lore into young people’s culture in the USA.
MANIPULATION OF CULTURAL FACTS. (like history and arts etc.)
When I and other that remember die and we can no longer argue against this material then what? … it will be fact, and sorry kids but you will be fcked unless you begin fighting!
This particular argument I have written about several times, but the Raelian or fake Jews, that own the internet, the publishing houses etc. have buried me.
So, here it goes again…
First. George Washington was called “The anointed” by the highest souls available to us on earth, like Benjamin Franklin. He was called the anointed because he was chosen in a Spiritual Ceremony and literally Annointed, that means chosen and marked, by an Angel of God in the forest and an unknown Forest dude who didn’t know Washington nor was a Catholic, witnessed it all and told the Village.
George Washington was like a Maji of old, I won’t tell you what, but he was not a Mason, that is the Raelians fcng everything up as always, the people you think are the Jews of Jesus, but they are not.
They say he owned slaves, therefore he was a POS. Most who hold this belief like Rogan lack intelligence to process historical facts. For example, if I wanted to free all the abused animals, the abusers would call the police and have me arrested.
Why? I’m doing the right thing, but the Laws protect the abusers and so we have groups like the ALF, and technology has made it very hard for anyone who cares for the welfare of animals to function. I have a tracker put in me illegally. Are the children of the future call President Trump a POS for not freeing the animals?
… because eventually the future holds Veganism as the normal diet and animal will be free, animals will not be our pets but be completely free in Nature, we will live in Nature without harming it in any way. In the same way, as I cannot just now free the gerbils for sale at the Country Store in Colville WA, who will most likely be bought by a cruel child and be treated like a stuffed animal that moves, President Lincoln could not free his slaves without risking the exposure of the Revolutionary council who had been planning and plotting since the onset of America.
African Slaves were considered animals and rescuing them meant you would be severely punished.
The document Rogan is referring to, where Lincoln said Blacks were less than human, it’s a document that speaks as to how to deal with the large numbers that a large number of them, slaves who by the treatment and abuse have barely developed brains and consciousness…. AND HE SAID THIS TO A BLACK MAN! Frederick Douglass!
He was the President and had to make very difficult decisions that most men don’t. Like President Trump deciding to not prosecute Hillary for the good of the Nation.
This was a discussion, not a sentence or what Lincoln thought of Black people in General, he also discussed this with the Amazing Harriet Tubman, the supernatural self-freed slave, and Douglas was also self-freed and educated. Over educated even, the man was a Spiritual Master.
Lincoln had the utmost respect for humans and some Blacks who were his intellectual and Spiritual peers. No matter how much you explain with historical facts and rational arguments, based on the total behavior of Lincoln and Washington, the politically correct, hypocrites and egomaniacs will judge according to whatever accommodates their ego.
Same with Washington who also owned slaves, because he inherited them and bought a couple because they were going to put to death because they tried to escape several times. Funny that they didn’t try to escape after they went to Washington’s farm.
They wouldn’t leave him, and secondly because freeing them was the worse idea, because he would make them vulnerable to the laws of the time and the dangers of being freed without education, heck even with education, without a great deal of money, and again the state of the world.
In those days, if you freed a slave or were caught saving a slave would grant that they burn your farm, and so on and finally that you be put to death.
In the days of Washington, the Conspiracy to free the Black Man was well underway, and stealth was of key importance, and making a stupid statement would have ruined the whole thing!
Washington also had a vision of the country shown to him by the Virgin Mary and died a Catholic in secret. he commissioned a statue or a painting, I don’t exactly recall, of the Virgin Mary and my favorite person has it in his house, and I hope he too converts to Catholism soon.
George Washington got rid of his hounds in order to house the gentlest of the animals in the Forest, the deer who would visit his homestead. The animals that Rogan loves to shoot with an arrow, so they suffer longer.
When George Washington was in his dead bed a Priest from a neighboring town received an Angelic Vision and it was that Priest who alerted the Catholic Church of the day to go to his death bed, take his confession, and administer the Eurachist and rites, although Connell’s book doesn’t; have that detail.
There’s is record of this in my Society, but this is for me to know and for you to find out.
Connell, a lady lawyer in The Spiritual Journey of George Washington, by Janice T Connell did all the research except for some details not available to anyone but members of my society, as I said… that is for me to know and for you to find out.
…but you never will if you are a human chimp like Rogan, and no I don’t feel bad because I did all the work to deserve such knowledge and furthermore you wouldn’t understand it so why “Throw pearls to the swine that they may trample them in the mock”?
The Forefathers knew of the defamation of their names and of the destruction of their images and of the corruption of the doctrines that would come in the future, (now) by the Raelians who destroyed Europe and the Old World with their Pedophilic ways. Funny I am 65 I have gotten to verify several predictions I learned about in my twenties and have happened now.
These other humans The Raelians, that you call Jews, and their Cabal set their sights to reach America immediately but were stopped by the likes of the Great Man Washington and Franklyn etc. for a while… but not obeying the Divine Law makes weak men… and so they outsmarted the early 1900 spread their deceit and moved into the White House where they have built a nest of Reptilians.
Rogan is just ignorant and simple, he thinks we should have let lose all the African Slaves to the hands of the evil of the time, and doesn’t he know what happened to freed Slaves? they were claimed by others because they had no owner! they were re-enslaved because off the laws!
Anyway, I don’t enjoy saying this about Rogan and people like him, like Jones and Tucker Carlson, but they force me to, in order to save the rest of the students in the Nation from getting disinformation.
Hasn’t Rogan read Harriet Tubmans story? She actually fought a group of men with superhuman strength and saved a “Free Slave” from getting reclaimed. They wanted him badly because he was huge, the way they want a big strong horse, but the man was terrified and broken and wouldn’t fight, so Harriet, the small Harriet Tubman got punched, kicked and she punched back and save the idiot brainwashed and terrified man.
This is just a little detail of why Washington and Lincoln, didn’t just freed, and set lose his slaves, he paid them and gave them land and homes by the way, in secret. because it was illegal to pay and to educate slaves.
Doesn’t Rogan know that the few that were freed were terrified and had to escape to the North and suffer the same risks as the non-freed slaves! and doesn’t he know who the first slaver to bring slaves to America was?
Yes, no matter how you turn the wheel there is a Raelian Jew, spreading the shit! … hence the enormous time and effort and money employed in covering up all of their misdeeds! look at them already in the White House! plotting to destroy President Trump! There’s a fine line between Jewish people and the Raelians who stole their ID a couple of millennia ago.
I got to give the children of the Devil credit…Rogan and his peers would ignore this common denominator, some ignore it because of greed others because they are of “Fake Jewish” descent or married to them and thus their offspring is of Raelian descent, because they fear Kanye West’s fate.
So, what do we do? First, we do the research, genetic research and find the truth that they are different from us and have a different skeletal configuration and placement of features like the ears for example. Many of “Jewish descent” have middle Eastern DNA, who are White, and are not Raelian.
This is the reason why the Nazi’s solution was wrong; they killed many innocents.
We wait for God’s final judgement; we pray and follow his commandments and that doesn’t mean we are going to allow the Globalist Satanic Pedophilic Raelian “Jewish” Cabal to destroy us.
Don’t get me wrong I say this with great love and affection for Joe Rogan because I know he can take it, but I sure wish that he read more of what matters before he attacks the Forefathers. We have yet to see the likes of them again!
A young person, one of the many that listens to Joe Rogan, tried to argue to me that President George Washington was a POS! after breaking down his historical theories, I asked him where in the world! did he get his opinions from, and it was Joe, specifically Joe Rogen here👆🏻
This is what happens when you give people of low IQ and uneducated a big podium… so Joe Rogan has got the biggest podium and apparently thousands of young men listen and unfortunately learn History and other culture from him.
I always thought people look like the animal DNA in them, yes! we have animal DNA!
Mine is cat DNA in me and j’adore les Chats! I look like a cat even my “pelt” is more colorful and silkier than other humans. I was a boxer that would impress actual fighters, because they said I boxed like a man. I am old now, but was those things, sultry and silky with great colors, agile fearless, clever and daring like a cat.
I know people who look like reptiles, and did you see the photo of the Raelian “Jew” that was sedating and raping crocodiles in Florida? He looks like a snake! with the ears sticking out! How he became that way is a sad story.
Rogan looks like a big chimp to me, funny that he speaks of chimps as if they were humans with human emotions and thoughts, like he knows, because in the Spiritual Reality, chimps are one of the forms those who abused animals in a past life suffer, to pay Karma, in other words they are Humans in Hell, the same goes for Pigs and that is the reason why you should not eat pig, that is also the belief behind the practice of some Buddhist to be extra kind to pigs and they adopt one just to make their journey in hell better.
The reason why Joe Rogan is so wildly popular is because the state of the world, this is the lower frequencies manifesting now, in order to give those who have been in hell the opportunity to elevate their frequency in order to be able to receive the Spiritual download that will qualify them for the final evolution of mankind. (An upcoming event some call “The Illumination of Conscience”)
So, all those people with base rational ( not being used here as in the present use of “Base” meaning essential like kids say now days, but as in of the most basic lower level), of low IQ, without the ability to fully rationalize their feelings, many of them have already been chimps or pigs in a past life, hence they are animalistic and are attracted to morbidity and easily worship those who make their lower tendencies and emotions, feel normal.
Given that Joe is at the top of success they feel that they too can become as him and be respected (but by whom?) and most likely they can. Look at all the other YouTubers, Maxgirls or whatever, best only girls whatever, the lowest bringing their influence onto the very young.
THESE ARE THE END TIMES, and it will be a long and gradual process of decay. So, they make fun, let’s see if they will be laughing at the end. We are charged with these by Divine decree, and as President Trump must be a President to all I try to emulate his example.
Before, the present dispensation, those before us, when the Raelians “Jews” spread their manipulation and influence around the world and corrupted countries because the world was small. Joe thinks we are the same human entity as they were, like the Spartans the Carthaginians etc. NO, WE ARE NOT.
With each reincarnation generally you are better, even those who were in hell before, are born remembering and afraid of going back and yes, I know some, who clang to me for fear of the Devil finding them again. It was only after I taught them that it is their minds that makes way for heaven or hell that they stopped following me.
So, there you have it, believe what the “Influencers” teach you at your own risk.
Because of his tremendous popularity Joe Rogan expanded his field, which was at the beginning Boxing, I think. I do respect his expertise in this area, but please Joe, don’t teach history, ok?
In comparison to the likes of Lincoln and George Washington you are but a mere chimp in a zoo owned by a (fake) Jew.
Thank you for reading 💚🐾🐾